Classic TV of the 50s and 60s

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Classic TV of the 50s and 60s included shows ranging from I Love Lucy to Bonanza to The Ed Sullivan Show. Many of the genres such as sitcoms, dramas, and Westerns are still with us today, but variety shows have largely disappeared. Our venues have changed dramatically, too. No longer does the whole family gather in the living room around the huge TV box to watch. We are no longer transfixed by the limited, black-and-white offerings on ABC, NBC, and CBS. Today, the family disappears to their individual spaces to stream an almost unlimited supply of online content on their mobile devices.

For senior citizens of the boomer generation, the classic TV of the 50s and 60s was a defining cultural element as we grew up. Maybe it wasn’t the golden age of television, but it did leave an impact on those of us now in our golden years. In this episode, we stroll down memory lane, recalling our favorite television shows. They weren’t all great TV, but they were memorable. Richard, Gary, and Randy each recall different periods in this two-decade era. As the older codgers, Gary and Richard clearly remember the black-and-white TV days of the 1950s. Randy was more of a 60s kid, loving the sitcoms and variety shows that dominated that period.

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6 comments on “Classic TV of the 50s and 60s

  1. Jack turner says:

    Lots of good memories–
    50s and 60s ?– how about the late 40s? My earliest TV memories involved sitting and waiting in the late afternoon for the “test pattern” to disappear and the Howdy Doody to magically appear. TV did not broadcast until the late afternoon. Until then, there was a test pattern (logo) only that appeared on the screen. I remember in the mid 50s: “Walt Disney’s Wonderful World Of Color” would broadcast on Sunday evenings. The color wasn’t very good.

    1. Gary Ebersole says:

      Jack, you’re the winner in the earliest-episode memory! And Howdy Doody! How could we forget him? Remind me to give you a bumper sticker the next time you are in Santa Fe.

  2. Jeannie says:

    I also remember all the TV shows mentioned in your podcast.
    Enjoying reminiscing these days while listening to you guys.
    You have a great show! Keep it coming!

    1. Gary Ebersole says:

      A stroll down memory lane is always fun, Jeannie. We’re glad you enjoy reminiscing with us and we appreciate your comment. Send your mailing address to ‘’ and we’ll drop a bumper sticker in the mail.

    2. Jimmy Kloczko says:

      I’m appalled! No mention of The Man From Uncle. Oh wait, maybe you guys are too old to remember that show.

  3. Judy Henry says:

    I didn’t start watching tv until I was 15 or so -(growing up in the Philippines- no TV) back in the states in 1958 mostly remember Dave Clark- dancing in the afternoon American Bandstand! What I remember mostly about TV at that time were the ads for shampoos, which really made me wish to have perfect hair!, then I went to a boarding school which really had no tv available,. so in college was when I watched sometimes. Mainly remember Kennedy’s Assassination!.
    then 1966 I loved Get Smart, and the new forms of Saturday Night Live. whatever they were called- LAugh In?
    My really earliest memory of TV was watching the Wizard of Oz in color in a store front window in Florida in 1955! we had a black and white TV at home (on vacation in Florida)
    TV has come a long way baby! I love to watch some of the old ones now…the variety shows were so ad lib! Remember Queen for a Day!

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