Learn the Nine Secrets to How to Be Happy and Have the Best Life Possible.
The “happiness study,” which is actually called the Harvard Study of Adult Development, has followed more than 700 men and now their families from the 1930s until today. The goal of the study is to learn the keys to a happy and healthy life. This Harvard University study is the longest of its kind, and over the years it has revealed the 9 secrets to how to be happy.
In this episode of the Camp Codger podcast, we talk about the findings of the ongoing Harvard Study of Adult Development. The three co-hosts of Camp Codger (Randy Schultz, Gary Ebersole, and Richard Kipling) also talk about their own quests for how to create a happy life in their senior years.

Relationships are the Key to Happiness
The current leaders of the Harvard Study on how to be happy are Robert Waldinger and Marc Schulz. They wrote a book called The Good Life: Lessons from the World’s Longest Scientific Study of Happiness. Here’s what they said in the beginning of their book:
“If we had to take all 84 years of the Harvard Study and boil it into a single principle for living, one thing that is supported by similar findings across a wide variety of other studies, it would be this: Good relationships keep us healthier and happier.”
Don’t Worry, Be Happy
Of course, there are other secrets that help us create happiness in our lives. Reach out to a friend and have a conversation at least once a day. Cultivate kindness. And more. (Listen to this episode of Camp Codger to learn them all!)
Back in the 1980s, a singer named Bobbie McFerrin had a hit song called Don’t Worry, Be Happy. It turns out, this song contains some good advice. So be nice. Don’t worry so much. Reach out to other people.
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Great revisit of happiness, guys. We can never have too many reminders. All good stuff, especially Richard’s nod to listening. Keep up the good work!